Exercise and sports help keep your cardiovascular and overall health topnotch. But what about instances where runners and sports enthusiasts die or experience crippling health issues? This trend has been on the rise recently in Kenya and overseas. It doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy or shouldn’t pursue fitness and sports. We’re big proponents of exercise as one of the major healthy aging tips. Therefore, we advocate that you don’t stop exercising, instead, understand heart health concerning vigorous physical activities, especially if you’re over 50. So, in today’s article, we’ll enlighten you on all matters concerning heart health, including possible risks and how to have a healthy and active life during your golden years.
Here’s How to Know if You’re Good for Exercise
There isn’t an age when exercise should start or stop. And that includes anyone over 50. Yet, the body changes with age, and some functionalities may diminish or slow down. The heart is a perfect example. It plays a crucial part in supplying the system with blood and oxygen, but with time, it tires, and cardiovascular diseases increase or emerge. Before we dive into how to determine your suitability for exercise, let’s shed light on why the heart’s function declines with time.
- The aging process reduces the blood vessels’ elasticity, affecting its blood pumping process.
- The arteries may narrow or harden with time, reducing blood supply to the body.
- Various hormonal changes occur with age, for example, the decline of estrogen in menopausal women. This change affects heart health as the hormone is essential for vital cardio-supportive functions like blood vessel function and flexibility, anti-inflammation, promoting good cholesterol and antioxidant properties.
- Escalated risk factors: Aging may accumulate risk factors like high blood pressure and diabetes over time.
- Declined physical activity: Less activity with age enhances not only risk factors but also weakens the heart muscles and affects cardio fitness
What Are the Risks Associated With Heart Health?
Due to factors like underlying conditions or age-related issues, one faces various risks when engaging in physical activities and sports. Here are the top culprits:
- Age-related changes. We’ve highlighted what happens to one’s heart with age. These factors, which affect its proper functioning, reduce heart efficiency and may lead to fatalities like death or heart attack due to heightened activity.
- Known underlying heart problems: Age aside, being aware of pre-existing heart problems doesn’t alleviate the risk of tragic cardiac events if you ignore caution as vigorous physical activity can trigger issues like heart attack.
- Undiagnosed heart issues. Not knowing you have a heart condition can lead you to inadvertently engage in detrimental sports
So How Do You Determine Your Heart’s Sports-Readiness?
While most issues like aging, genetic factors, and underlying conditions are uncontrollable, it’s possible to control the outcomes and how they affect your health, including whether or not you can exercise. This tactic is possible, regardless of age.
One of the biggest mistakes is engaging in intense exercise without prior assessment. Consequently, you may engage in sports that aren’t friendly to your heart’s condition. Luckily, there are various things you can do to determine your heart’s readiness for exercise. Even better, you can easily access them at our clinic. Therefore, before embarking on a new exercise program, those over 50 need to undergo a thorough health assessment of their heart health. Let’s explore the options.
- Speak to a Cardiologist
Speaking to a heart health professional is vital if you have pre-existing conditions. They will help you determine what’s appropriate for you. At Waterfront Clinic, we can create custom-made programs to suit your heart’s needs.
2. Health Checkups
Heightened exercise or sports may worsen pre-existing known or undiagnosed heart conditions. Therefore, it’s essential to exercise the utmost care when starting or continuing a fitness regimen. Call us today on +254 768 368 266 to schedule an appointment, and we’ll check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, among others, to assess your heart health. And if you already have a pre-existing condition, we’re also here for you with our cardinal rehabilitation programs.
3. Stress Testing:
Nothing tests a system better than immersing it in the very risk factor. However, a DIY stress test that involves engaging in vigorous activity can be fatal. That’s why we recommend one with a professional. We’ll monitor your heart’s response to physical exertion under close expert supervision and high-end equipment during the examination. Eventually, you’ll gain useful insight into your heart’s threshold and advice on safe exercise.
4. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
An ECG monitors the heart’s electrical activity and reaction during physical activity. The process helps to identify underlying issues that may affect your health during heightened activity, enabling the doctor to advise you on which sports to engage in and how.
What Else to Do After Professional Medical Advice
Checkups and obtaining the help of a pro, including benefits like customized programs and treatment, are one side of the coin. It’s important to observe caution in person to ensure the intervention doesn’t go in vain, and that you enjoy exercising for life. Here are our top pro tips:
- One step at a time: After getting the green light, please start with moderate exercises and progress slowly into higher intensities. Also, take regular breaks to check in with yourself, listen to your body, and catch any abnormalities.
- Monitor your vitals: It’s crucial to regularly check it around the sports period to identify irregularities early enough for intervention if you have issues like high blood pressure.
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Most health issues arise from lifestyle choices like diet, activity, and stress management. Please adopt habits like the following to ensure optimal health:
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet with fruits, veggies, and nil junk food.
- Continuously hydrate by drinking enough water and healthy drinks.
- Cut down on alcohol.
- Get enough rest and sleep.
- Embrace stress management tactics.
- Stay active.
It’s Possible to Exercise and Do Sports After 50
In conclusion, the secret to effective physical activities and sports is a healthy heart. And taking part in fitness regimes is possible even for individuals over 50. How? By knowing and managing your condition through medical checkups, cardiovascular assessments, and healthy lifestyle choices. These strategies will help you understand what sports and exercise intensities are good for you, setting you up for a happy, and healthy active life.