October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and within it also comes World Mental Health Day! And because breast cancer causes various emotional and mental well-being side effects, there’s no better time to advocate for the significance of holistic women’s health. So, as you dress up in the pink ribbon, here’s vital know-how about breast cancer and tips to help women take charge of their physical and mental well-being. From detection to prevention strategies and how to build mental resilience, we’ve put together an incredible article to empower you.

The Connection Between Breast Cancer and Mental Health

A breast cancer diagnosis causes various emotional reactions. The news can yield worry, fear, sleeplessness, helplessness, anxiety, and uncertainty creep in. Some patients may suffer low self-esteem due to changes in their body image perception, leading to withdrawal and loneliness. Not to mention the feelings of shame or self-blame.

Additionally, societal views and discrimination may occur. For example, some people may victimize patients who underwent treatment options like mastectomy.

As such, breast cancer patients face a magnitude of emotional turmoil. Such feelings can cause stress or depression, worsening one’s health. But we’re here to lighten the mood with great news. It doesn’t have to be all gloom: There are various self-care strategies for a stress-free breast cancer management journey, including caring for your mental health to boost recovery.

First, Here Are Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

The saying goes, prevention is better than cure, which is also true for breast cancer. Your lifestyle plays a role in the occurrence of breast cancer. Why? You could engage in habits that either increase your risk or trigger underlying issues that may not have occurred otherwise. Here are our top tips to avert breast cancer:

1. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: Certain aspects like unhealthy foods, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking increase the risk of breast cancer. Because they feed your body with harmful ingredients and chemicals and interfere with detoxification. Follow the following tips for optimal health:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Minimize your consumption of processed foods and carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid or quit smoking.
  • Eat a balanced diet.

2. Go Easy on the Alcohol: Research links alcohol to breast cancer. Therefore, it’s advisable to give up alcohol or cut it down.

3. Understand Your Family History: Other breast cancer occurrences are hereditary. Consequently, it’s vital to understand your kin’s background to know if you’re at risk. This info will help you implement the necessary prevention measures like checkups and extra vigilance.
4. Perform Breast Self-Exam: While having breast cancer may be bad news, it isn’t if diagnosed early, as it increases your chances of treatment and survival. The best way to achieve this hack is through self-examination.
5. Go for Frequent Mammograms: Periodic medical checkups can help you achieve early detection, proactively manage the disease, and catch what you may miss during the self-exam. We recommend you call us today at +254 768 368 266 to book your appointment for a mammogram. Our caring professional practitioners are waiting to help you achieve the fight against breast cancer.

Early Detection is a Life-Saver

Routine health checks can help you identify possible underlying breast cancer dangers. And if diagnosed or found to be at risk, you’ll have started the first step toward full recovery. This advantage is because the checks help you unlock early detection; when detected early, cancer is treatable.

How to Care for Your Mental Health After Diagnosis

If you or your loved one has breast cancer, medication will help. However, the diagnosis can yield overwhelming emotional distress due to the toll of drugs, treatment costs, and feelings of helplessness and stress by the patient and their family and friends. Therefore, mental resilience plays a critical role in recovery and management. Here are expert care tips to help you or a loved one brace the journey:

  1. Be Patient and Compassionate With Yourself: Compassion starts with you, and the best way to achieve it is by allowing yourself to feel your emotions. Please don’t be hard on yourself or mask them. Instead, acknowledge them as valid and treat yourself with the same gentleness, kindness, patience, and understanding you would employ when helping a loved one.
  2. Aim for Recovery But Be Realistic: While you may want recovery as soon as possible, be patient with yourself and the process and map your expectations with the doctor’s advice and timelines. That way, you’ll avoid being hard on yourself or facing disappointment when the immediate results don’t come through.
    Pro Tip: Organize your goals into small, achievable milestones. And whenever you achieve any, celebrate them, however small; this will motivate you and sustain your well-being.
  3. Feel Free to Ask for Help: Talk to family, friends, or your support circle when you need help. You can also lean on support groups to share experiences, learn from each other, and foster a feeling of belonging. And don’t hesitate to seek professional help; you can start with our counseling services. Please book an appointment today, and our warm-hearted counselors will help you process your emotions and improve your coping skills.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Me-time and taking care of yourself aren’t’ selfish or a luxury; it’s necessary. It’ll help you relax, boost your self-esteem, and reduce anxiety. So, create time for a mani-pedi, massage, spa day, holiday, or whatever makes you feel pampered.
  5. Embrace Mental Health-Boosting Habits: Adopting certain mundane practices can build favorable habits to boost your well-being and recovery. Explore routines like the following:
  • Regular Exercise: Working out releases feel-good hormones that boost your mood, reducing stress and anxiety. Exercising also improves immunity.
  • Meditation can help you appreciate the present moment. Eventually, you’ll cherish the little things in life and your recovery milestones, improving your overall life outlook.
  • Get enough sleep to achieve relaxation, strength, and stronger immunity.
  • Eat Healthy: A balanced diet can help you feel good about yourself. Additionally, it helps improve your immunity, hence better chances of recovery. A nourishing diet includes a generous serving of fruits, veggies, water, lean proteins, and minimal fast and processed foods.

Reclaim Your Power to Recovery and Breast Cancer Prevention

In conclusion, breast cancer awareness shouldn’t be a one-off October pursuit. We believe in optimal and holistic health and recommend that you make a long-running commitment by adopting the tips in this article into your daily life. It starts with knowing the risk factors and prevention steps, followed by health checkups and caring for yourself. Our qualified healthcare practitioners are at hand to walk the journey with you and provide more info to empower you. Please book an appointment or call us on +254 768 368 266 today for your ticket to holistic health and informed breast cancer awareness.